Wednesday, July 24, 2013

If you like shopping online and getting caught in the rain..

Then this blog entry is for you! I haven't written in a while, and I blame my lack of time on needing a few extra hours each day. I picked up some part time work, too. So anyway, I know some people reading this will like some deals on kids, ladies and home items. I recently discovered the awesomeness that is Zulily. No really, it's worth looking at. I am a shopping addict, but I hate paying retail prices. I haven't paid full price for any retail items in many years. Because of our home only having one income, I try to cut corners where ever possible.

Zulily is a site that has many listings for different products daily. They call these 'events'. Each day brings new products, and each event lasts a couple days. You have to be quick because sometimes a popular item will be gone in the blink of an eye, but for the most part there is shopping to be had for all. I have picked out some amazing products. I really couldn't be happier. You know some of those deal sites peddle their cheap junk for supposed heavy discounts. Then you look and find everyone else selling it just as low. You may also find most of the stuff is cheap, thus the pricing. Of all the things I've ordered from Zulily for myself, my children and my home -- ALL of it has met my standards. That's why I'm writing about it now. The site caters mostly to women and children, but occasionally products for men pop up, too! Hey, what guy is going to complain about his wife spending less money on the same or similar products that she buys anyway?

So the fun part. Signing up is easy! There is no obligation to spend money or to meet minimum purchases if you don't see things you like. There aren't any hidden fees or contracts to buy anything either. Shipping has a flat rate of $7. I know that seems like a lot, but it's a flat fee. You can order as much or as little per day as you wish and that is all you pay. If you make more than one order, it all gets combined and you won't be double charged for shipping. Some of the items take a little longer to ship, but each page listing will have a timeline clearly listed so you know around when to expect your product to arrive. Have no fear if you want to get something faster, though. They have an entire 'ready to ship' section available on their site. These items will ship quickly. To give you an idea of how fast I got my first order, I placed my order on a thursday night very late. I got a shipment notice less than 24 hours later. It was delivered on the 4th business day! I don't get that kind of service from many big retailers these days.

My sign up link will help me provide clothing and shoes for my children. After you place your first order and it ships, I will get a $15 credit to my account for inviting you. When you sign up, you can begin inviting your friends and family, too. There is no limit on how many people you can invite! Just imagine the possibilities!

Click Here To Sign Up